Saturday, March 14, 2015

3 More Canoes!

I got home from Maine Maritime via a quick weekend in NYC early Monday March 2, 2015. My father suggested I should go with him up to work at HMH Vises (Look for them in the fishing Departments of LL Bean, Cabela's, Bass Pro and Orvis).  I didn't think anything of it and said sure.

My mother explained to me that he had went on Craigslist and found a guy near the office that has 3 old canoes in his barn. And my father had arranged for me and him to go get them.

I was ecstatic because I was told I could not buy anymore canoes unless I start selling some (because I need to pay for college).

So I went to work happily and when it came time for a lunch break I drove the Ford Excursion with my father navigating we found the house and looked at the canoes.

Yes that is a GIANT hole

Rotted Stem

All 3 have these Heart Shaped Decks

In need of some Paint Stripper

This One is the second most complete. 

They are old. They are beat. And one looks nearly ready for a bon-fire.

After looking them over, we bought the two good ones, and offered to take the bad one.

We only brought home the shorter, red cedar canoe because it looked like it was well taken cared for and looked very old.

My father picked up the other two canoes yesterday. He talked to the owner more and found out the two worse off canoes were purchased from the same camp, and are identical.

The red cedar canoe is supposed to be a older Kennebec Canoe. I am very pleased to own these three. I just need to put some elbow grease and some wood to make these canoes float again.... and pay for my education.

If anyone is interested in any canoes on my blog please get in touch with me. I currently have plans on bringing some up to the WCHA Assembly at Paul Smiths College this July 2015.

Red Cedar Canoe

Very Shallow

Still in very good condition

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